Meet Natashia Munian, AKA Bash With Tash: Inspiring Comedy Star From Chatsworth Making Waves in the

  • Natashia Munian, also known as Bash with Tash, is a talented comedy star from Chatsworth, KwaZulu-Natal
  • Even though she faced extreme bullying, she uses her comedy to encourage people to accept themselves and feel empowered
  • The comedic genius spoke to Briefly News about using her brand to spread laughter and to help share a powerful message of love and confidence

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Natashia Munian was bullied for her appearance, but now she's using her influence to challenge those stereotypes.

The inspiring journey of comedy star Natashia Munian from KZN

The comedic genius is known by her stage name Bash for Tash. She's using her relatable comedy to empower others who have faced similar situations. Instead of letting criticism bring her down, she's bravely using her platform to speak out against bullying and empowering women suffering in silence.

"I was always bullied and still up to this day still get bullied regarding the weight issue. I'm using this brand as my voice to break the silence and the women suffering in silence. I want to assure women that it's ok not to be perfect and love you for you. I feel that women go through many things and have alot going on at times and don't have anyone to open up to or relate to and this is a gateway to just being more confident."

The entertainer is using comedy to tackle societal issues

Before she became a comedian, the 37-year-old worked at a call centre, but little did she know that destiny had other plans for her. The comedian says:

"I was in the call centre industry for over 16 years and then decided to study my dad Is who I'm grateful to for this. A video went viral and then the next thing I knew shows started selling out. The rest is all at God's Grace."

But the path to stardom wasn't without challenges, she says:

"There were and are many challenges. I always say as women we are looked at before we are heard and that is why having self confidence is key because so many look up to you. With the challenges I have learned that you need to create an opportunity where there is none, take risks and try new things. It's not easy but definitely worth it. Along side this I have also made it my mission to make a mark that us unforgettable in this industry not just for me but every single women out there who thinks it's not possible."

Serving others helped her find herself, and she wants her brand to inspire and empower others, including women, men, and children.

"My brand is also aligned with philanthropy and when I was very lost in this life, I found myself through serving others and that is always going to be a part of this brand. I also aim to push the borders and touch the waters never touched before. I want these ladies nights we do to be a ripple effect to empower women men and kids."

To aspiring comedians, she emphasises the importance of hard work, determination, perseverance, and dedication.

"If you are entering this industry remember that it's not a joke, it's hard work, determination, preserveance, dedication. Know that even when you fail at something then it's ok and you must keep going..some days will be hard and other days a breeze but on all days keep your feet on the ground and remain humble always. Stay true to you and never change who you are."

Whether on stage or through her online presence, Bash with Tash's infectious energy and relatable humour have earned her a devoted following. As she continues to shine a spotlight on important issues and spread laughter, Natashia Munian remains a source of inspiration and empowerment for all.

Khethiwe Sibanyoni empowers survivors with comfort bags, combating gender-based violence through the foundation.

In similar stories, Briefly News reported about a young woman who was a force to be reckoned with as she worked to empower survivors of gender-based violence through her compassionate initiative.

To those facing unimaginable trauma, Khethiwe has created a movement centred around providing comfort bags to needy women.

Khethiwe Sibanyoni shared about how her comfort bag initiative, which helps survivors of gender-based violence.
