Ex-EFF MP Fana Mokoena Says African Leaders Must Stop Fighting for Political Power, Make Way for You

  • Former Economic Freedom Fighter and actor Fana Mokoena took to Twitter to issue African leaders their marching orders
  • Fana claims that African leaders need to stop fighting for political power because it is an outdated practice that needs to end
  • The actor said that leaders should step aside and retire once they have served their tenure to make way for younger leaders

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JOHANNESBURG - Fana Mokoena, the former Economic Freedom Fighters MP and actor, says that African politicians need to find other ways to exert influence and make money.

The actor said that African leaders must stop fighting for political power because it is an out-of-date practice that should be retired. Similarly, the EX-EFF MP says that African leaders should also retire, TimeLIVE reports.

Mokoena made his views known in a tweet. Mokoena said:

“The world is more dynamic. When it’s your time, step aside and let younger leaders take their space.”

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Mokoena added that the journey towards a unified Africa is long, and generations must understand that unity is critical to survival.

Mokoena’s comments come on the back-end of growing concerns that the calibre of leadership on the continent leaves much to be desired.

Mokoena’s statements echo those of Mathews Phosa, who issued a stern warning to the leaders of the ANC in July, City Press reported. Phosa said that South Africa is crying out for competent leaders.

South Africans weigh in

Some South Africans said Mokoena should direct his comments at politicians like EFF leader Julius Malema.

@Ramaphosa22 said:

“I think you should give that advice to Malema. He seems to be fighting for political power as well.”

@Elsa702 commented:

“Cough cough, tell that to Juju...”

@MashSammy added:

“Shout that to scuttlebutt monger Malema.”

ANC to cement step-aside rule in their constitution to keep criminals and deadbeats out, members to undergo vetting

In a related matter, Briefly News reported that the African National Congress plans to codify the hotly contested step-aside rule in the party’s constitution at the conference in December, meaning it will be a formal "law" of the ANC. The ANC plans to do this to rid the party of its undesirable members.

The ruling party has compiled a list of constitutionally proposed amendments that address organisational renewal and membership.

The types of individuals that ANC will not consider for membership include abusers, murderers, rapists and people found guilty of corruption. Deadbeat parents will also not be considered for membership.

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