Richard Beymer biography: Is the popular American actor gay? Here is what we know about him

Richard Beymer is one of Hollywood’s most well-known and accomplished actors. The award-winning actor is most recognized for his roles in Twin Peaks, West Side Story, and Paper Dolls as Benjamin Horne, Tony, and David Fenton, respectively. He’s also a talented filmmaker, painter, and author.

Is Richard Beymer a gay? Despite a great career in the entertainment world, the well-known actor has kept his personal life out of the spotlight. His bio contains all of the pertinent information regarding his personal and professional life.

Controversy, like a leech, stays glued on one’s personality for a long time to come even if one comes out without blame or fault. Richard Beymer is no doubt one of the veterans in Hollywood but gay rumours about him have refused to go down. 

Who is Richard Beymer? IIs Richard Beymer gay? These, among other questions, will be answered in this article subsequently if you read on. 

Who is Richard Beymer? 

Richard Beymer is one of Hollywood’s most well-known and accomplished actors. The award-winning actor is most recognized for his roles in Twin Peaks, West Side Story, and Paper Dolls as Benjamin Horne, Tony, and David Fenton, respectively. He’s also a talented filmmaker, painter, and author.

Is Richard Beymer a homosexual? Despite a great career in the entertainment world, the well-known actor has kept his personal life out of the spotlight. His bio contains all of the pertinent information regarding his personal and professional life.

He was born in the Iowa town of Avoca on February 20, 1938. However, some sources claim that he was born in the year 1939. George and Eunice Beymer are his parents. Richard and his parents moved to Hollywood, California, in the late 1940s. From a young age, he was enamored with acting.

While attending North Hollywood High School, Beymer appeared in various films. He had already changed into a full-fledged actor by the time he graduated from high school. Instead of going to college, he chose to follow his goal of acting.

How old is Richard Beymer? 

Richard Beymer is either 84 or 85 years old as of April 2021.


Richard Beymer stands at 6’2″ tall, which is roughly 188 cm. 


Sandy Dreams, a 1948 television series, was his debut on-screen role. Other shows in which he appeared included 26 Men, Make Room for Daddy, The Gray Ghost, and Cavalcade of America.

His career was forever changed in 1951, when he appeared in Fourteen Hours. For many admirers, though, Richard Beymer’s performance in West Side Story is the most remembered.

Who sang in West Side Story for Richard Beymer? Beymer’s song was sung by Jimmy Bryant. On September 22, 1980, the American country singer and guitarist passed away from lung cancer. He worked with renowned performers and actresses, including the late Natalie Wood, who was a three-time Academy Award nominee for her role in West Side Story.

In the show, Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood had a fantastic chemistry. In 2017, he played Benjamin Horne in six episodes of Twin Peaks. Richard Beymer’s performance in Twin Peaks was praised by many.

Richard Beymer Films and TV Shows 

He has approximately 60 acting credits to his name. Here are some of his most well-known films and television shows:

  • Twin Peaks (2017) – Benjamin Horne 
  • Sadie’s Waltz (2008) – Garvus 
  • Family Law (2001) – Richard Collins 
  • Home the Horror Story (2000) – Bob Parkinson 
  • Profiler (1999) – Martin Fizer 
  • Vengeance Unlimited (1998) – Douglas Bradford 
  • Elvis Meets Nixon (1997) – Bob Haldeman 
  • The X-Files (1996) – Dr. Jack Franklin 
  • Foxfire (1996) – Mr. Parks 
  • Flipper (1996) – Andrew Cantrell 
  • The Little Death (1996) – Prosecutor 
  • A Face to Die for (1996) – Dirk Mathison / Lou Keramides / Rick Lefko 
  • The Disappearance of Kevin Johnson (1996) – Chad Leary 
  • State of Emergency (1994) – Dr. Ronald Frames 
  • My Girl 2 (1994) – Peter Webb 
  • Under Investigation (1993) – Dr. Jerry Parsons 
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) – Li Nalas 
  • The Presence (1992) – Ben Read 
  • Blackbelt (1992) – Eddie Deangelo 
  • Twin Peaks (1989-1991) Benjamin Horne 
  • Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out! (1989) – Dr. Newbury 
  • Buck James (1987-1988) – 
  • Max The Bronx Zoo (1988) – Mr. Locke 
  • Dallas (1987) – Jeff Larkin Moonlighting (1986) – Ray Adamson 
  • Generation (1985) – Allan Breed Paper Dolls (1984) – David Fenton 
  • Insight (1975-1980) – God / Josh / Forest Scream Free! (1969) – Dean 
  • Dr. Kildare (1966) – Rev. Jack Elder 
  • The Virginian (1965) – Frank Colter / Mark Shannon 
  • The Stripp*r (1963) – Kenny Baird 
  • Playhouse 90 (1959) – LeRoy Cadman 
  • Sky King (1958) – Joe Belden 
  • The Danny Thomas Show (1956-1957) – Freddie Baxter / The Boyfriend 

Richard Beymer is also a very talented visualartist, writer and sculptor. 

Is Richard Beymer gay? 

There has been speculation that the actor is gay. He is, nevertheless, a heterosexual man. His first public relationship was with actress Tuesday Weld, with whom he allegedly dated from 1960 to 1961. He became friends with Dolores Hart in 1962. The couple dated and broke up within the same year. Following that, he met Sharon Tate, an actress on set as an extra, while filming one of his films. Later, the couple relocated to California, where they became engaged.

Who is Richard Beymer wife? 

Beymer preferred not to become involved in any meaningful relationships in order to focus on his job. He is currently unmarried and does not have a wife or children. Some individuals believe he married secretly in a private ceremony, however none of these rumors have been substantiated by the actor or his representatives.

What happened to Richard Beymer? 

Since 2017, the actor has been living a low-key existence away from the spotlight. He has never attended an interview and does not have a social media account. As a result, it’s difficult to tell what he’s up to these days. What happened to Richard Beymer? In 2010, he was a resident of Fairfield, Iowa, in the United States.

As a result, it’s possible that he’s still living there. Fake news regarding Richard his death surfaced on the internet recently, shocking some admirers.

It was ultimately shown to be just another celebrity death hoax. He is a well-known actor, director, artist, and novelist. He has approximately 60 acting credits to his name. However, Beymer has been out of the spotlight since 2017, leading to several rumors about his whereabouts.

Where is Richard Beymer now?

Beymer, who is 83 years old, has over 60 acting credits to his name. One of them is his resurrected role as Benjamin Horne in the 2017 Twin Peaks revival. Later in his career, he moved away from performing and focused on producing his own films.

“I never left the movies. I just made other kinds of movies. Hollywood was a thing of the past for me because I’d found something that thrilled me,” he toldd to the Los Angeles Times. “That was the best fun in the world, doing movies that were spontaneous at every step, as compared with Hollywood movies that are all planned out.”


Richard Beymer has always kept his personal life private, and it’s clear that he wants it to stay that way. He is, however, a seasoned pro in the field, and that cannot be taken away from him.

Profile Summary 

  • Full name: George Richard Beymer Jr. 
  • Gender: Male 
  • Date of birth: 20th February 1938 (or 1939) 
  • Age: 83 (84) years old (as of 2022) 
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces 
  • Place of birth: Avoca, Iowa, United States 
  • Current residence: Fairfield, Iowa, USA 
  • Nationality: American 
  • Ethnicity: White 
  • Religion: Christianity 
  • Sexuality: Straight 
  • Height in feet: 6’2″ Height in centimetres: 188 
  • Hair colour: Dark brown 
  • Eye colour: Blue 
  • Mother: Eunice Beymer (née Goss) 
  • Father: George Richard Beymer 
  • Marital status: Unmarried 
  • School: North Hollywood High School 
  • Profession: Actor, filmmaker, artist, novelist 
  • Richard Beymer Net worth: $18 million 
